United States Kerry Blue Terrier Club, Inc.
(Member of the American Kennel Club)
To: Members of the United States Kerry Blue Terrier Club, Inc.
From: John Garahan, Corresponding Secretary
Date: May 13,2016
Re: Nomination and Election – USKBTC Board of Governors (Board Terms for 2016-2019)
Five of the 15 seats on the USKBTC board of governors are elected each year. The nomination and election of board members is governed by Article IV, Section 4 of the USKBTC by-laws.
Nominating Committee’s Slate In accordance with the by-laws, the board of governors appointed a three-member committee with Linda Pheasant as the Chair to nominate from among the eligible club members one candidate for each of the five board positions to be elected in 2016. The list also includes John Garahan who was asked to serve for one year in pace of Bill Kearney. Therefore there are six positions on the Board this year. Nominated by the committee for the six three-year terms commencing this October are, in alphabetical order:
Patti Campbell, (VA) | Nick Fletcher, (TX) | Nancy Han, (CA) |
Heidi Cregar, (HI) | John Garahan (NJ) | Jean Waters (MA) |
Enclosed is a brief account of each nominee’s involvement with our breed, our club and other dog-related activities.
Other Nominations The by-laws also provide that additional nominations of eligible members may be made by written petition addressed to, and received by, the Corresponding Secretary on or before June 15, 2016. To be eligible, a member must be in good standing and a resident of the United States. Any other eligible member who wishes to be a candidate for the board of governors must submit a petition that:
- Is signed by three club members in good standing who are not the spouse or a member of the immediate family of the proposed nominee, and
- Contains the candidate’s written and signed acceptance of nomination. 8 Cider Mill Road, Annandale, New Jersey 08801 – on or before June 15, 2016. [By-Laws Article IV, §4(B).]
Duties and Responsibilities of Board Members
Serving on the board of governors presents a tremendous opportunity to work for our breed at the national level.The board’s duties are many and varied, including but not limited to the following:
. Responsibility for the general management of the club’s affairs;
. Chairing, coordinating and otherwise participating in various standing and special Committees;
. Participating in Club business via the Internet on the USKBTC Governors List;
- Being open and available to constituents within the Kerry community, and bringing issues and concerns to the full board for discussion; and
- Representing the Club and the Kerry Blue Terrier to the highest standards when attending dog show events. If no valid additional nomination is received by the USKBTC Corresponding Secretary on or before June 15, 2016, the nominating committee’s slate will be declared elected in accordance with Article IV, §4(C) of the By-laws. If any additional valid nomination is received, an election will be conducted. Each club member who is eligible to vote will be sent a ballot listing all the nominees in alphabetical order, together with pre-addressed envelopes and instructions on how to mark and return the ballot. In order for a valid ballot to be counted, it must be received by the Corresponding Secretary on or before August 1, 2016. The ballots must be counted and the results of the election made known to the candidates no later than August 15, 2016. The five candidates receiving the highest numbers of votes will be declared elected. The five newly elected governors will take office at the annual board meeting in October, 2016. [By-laws Article IV, § 4(D).]
- Election
- Board members are not paid, and they travel to at least two board meetings a year at their own expense.
Questions? Please contact me: JOHN GARAHAN, USKBTC Corresponding Secretary
Mail: 8 Cider Mill Road, Annandale, New Jersey 08801 ♣ E-mail: john.garahan@broadridge.com ♣ Tel: 1-908-730-8890